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Continuous File Rejection when Uploading.... ?

I'm trying to upload .wmv files, but they keep getting rejected. I have a feeling it may be because the files are so large, but I'm paying for that space, so shouldn't I be able to use it? Could someone please assist? Thank you.

Re: Continuous File Rejection when Uploading.... ?

Without any technical details it is impossible to say.

File size?
Broad band or dial up?
Upload software used?

If you have a slow connection and a poor quality phone line then there is more chance of up or down loads of large files failing.

Re: Continuous File Rejection when Uploading.... ?

File size--- around 30 MB

Broad band or dial up--- DSL- I'm guessing that's broadband, because our computer doesn't dial up. It's always connected to the internet.

Upload software used--- I used the file manager if that's what you're asking. I don't know where to find the "Java Applet" or if it would work if I used it.

Messages--- "There was a problem with your upload and it was rejected. Please try again."