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Does bravenet allow frames?

Does bravenet allow frames? BTW, go to my site so it can stay up- i need 25 ppl on the site to keep my domain in 90 days

Re: Does bravenet allow frames?

Re: Does bravenet allow frames?

Bravenet does not specifically support frames on free sites. By this I mean that, if you have a site that has multiple frames, you will get a ad banner in each frame, but they will still work.

However, your not asking about that kind of setup. Your asking because your "domain" name uses frames. I looked into the "domain" name a long time ago. IMHO it's really not worth the bother. It's not a real domain name. It's simply a frames based redirect. If you don't have an active site, your redirect can go away without any warning. You are better off sticking with your bravenet subdomain name, even if it's longer than you might like. Then you don't have to beg for visitors.

Re: Does bravenet allow frames?

If I use frames in my pages and my websites type is free,what will happen?Experts,please tell me.

Browser: 517144719

Re: Does bravenet allow frames?

Oh,I see.It will give you a blank page,right?

Re: Does bravenet allow frames?

lots of frames = lots of ad banners

i had a lot of ideas for frames, but if i use them for my site, it would look really screwy! how about looking into this site, for no ads and a free service, see below


Re: Re: Does bravenet allow frames?

Does anyone know how to fix it?

Re: Does bravenet allow frames?

What does 25 ppl mean? I have no idea what you are talking about there!

Well the question is do you really want frames and if so why?

First did you ask yourself these questions?

1. What is it you want your site to do?
2. Who do you wish to attract to your site?
3. How long of a download period do you want for your site?
4. How many browsers and computers will your site be compatable with?

Although personally I know how to frame I do not like to use them unless I am just playing around.

Reasons for this:

Not all browsers and computers are compatable with frames. Frames take a long time to download and sometimes, more often than not, you can lose your public if it takes to long to download a site.