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Can't view website

I have published my website with website wizard.
However when you go to my website it says under construction.
The owner of this domain has not yet uploaded their web site.
Help, what do I need to do.

Re: Can't view website

Are you sure you went all the way through the Website Wizard's publishing process? It usually takes more than one button click. When you first click the publish button, you should be taken to a page that lists all your pages. There you can choose to publish, or not to publish, certain pages. Then, at the bottom of the page, is another publish button. This button should finish the process and send you to a page that says something like "Congratulations! You have successfully.....".

That should put your files on your web site. Your browser might still give you the old message, so make sure your Temporary Internet Files are deleted and force your browser to refresh (F5).