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getting phpbb forum loaded to site

what is the best way to upload a phpbb forum to my site?

Re: getting phpbb forum loaded to site

I assume you have the premium hosting, which is the only option with php and mysql support....

Unzip the file you downloaded from phpBB, extracting the files with folder names intact.

FTP the phpBB folder (with all subfolders within it) wherever you want your forum--I created a subdomain, and my forum is all that is in there.

Then point your browser to the install file, and hopefully you will be all set!

Hope I am not too late in answering. I really like the way phpBB has worked with Bravenet!

Christina :)

Browser: iluvnails,2

Re: Re: getting phpbb forum loaded to site

I have not used the FTP EVER and am very lost. I want to add the PHPBB to my site and well frankly have no clue what I am doing.

I have accessed the FTP area of my service here at Bravenet and Downloaded the PHPBB files and unzipped them...

When I go to the FTP area and try to post the PHPBB files to the Web I end up in some program for the Explorere asking me if I want a Hotmail account or want to use the one I already have.... I don't want to use a hotmail account and don't know why these steps lead me to MSN Groups ??? I simply want to add the PHPBB files to my website!

I have created a subdomain for the Forum I want to add!

I am doing something wrong but hope someone here is kind enough to help me along and understand that I am Not used to using the FTP access in any way shape or form so hopefully I am not asking for too much.

Anyway--Thank You in advance for any and all guidance you may be able to offer to me!
