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How do I publish my webpage?

just wondering how this works everything else is pretty self explanatory. contact me on aim at annajoy409 thanks.

Browser: annajoy409,2

Re: How do I publish my webpage?

You have to upload the files to bravenet into your directory. If you are using frontpage like me then I think you also have to "publish" from there. But make sure you upload the files to bravenet

Re: How do I publish my webpage?

"Publish" means different things depending on what software you are using to create your site.

If you are using a web page creation program on your own PC such as Front Page or Dreamweaver then it is just a synonym for uploading.

Re: How do I publish my webpage?

Question for you pertaining to this. I am using Mozilla Editor and uploading to Bravenet. When I then go back to my pages I am finding I am having to refresh (F5) when I bring up all the pages to see the updates. Is there something I can do after uploading that will let like Window's Explorer know that it needs to refresh ?? I tried going to wizard (were I tried making web pages before) and publishing but it blew out all my uploads and I had to re-upload.
