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Bravenet Email programme

We think we got the Bravenet email programme from the list offered, but haven't a clue where it's gone or what to do with it. We have no idea what html means and don't understand what copy and paste to our website means, we thought we'd just get a programme that we could type information into, import to Outlook Express and send out to our email list, obviously not. Any ideas most welcome....

Re: Bravenet Email programme

I think you are talking about Bravenet's Mailing List service. This is a service as opposed to a program, that is intended to be accessable on your web site.

HTML is the language that your web pages are written in. The Mailing List code is also written in HTML and to use it properly, someone needs to insert the code into your web page. When inserted in your page, your page will show a form that will contain entry areas to let visitors subscribe to your Mailing List. You can then manage your Mailing List from your Bravenet Mailing List service manager. You should be able to adjust the colors and layout of the Mailing List form to match your web site.

Now, this may not be what you expected of the service, but if you still want to use it, you will need to have someone who has access to your web pages, and the knowledge to insert the code properly.