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New and need some help

i read the previous form post
How to Add to Your Website
kohirihiri replied,
Hey Zim, I just figured it out!
1. Click on members area.
2. Click on manage hosting.
3. Click file manager.
4. Click on your current directory (whatever your website is.)
5. Type in the "New File" space whatever you want it to be called, and end it in ".html". For example, I made mine "welcome.html".
6. Click "go" and then click on "edit" next to your new file.

I am in the members area, but i dont see any thing that says Manage hosting. I cant figure out how to get into my files, to create my pages.
Thanks for any and all help

Re: New and need some help

Just registering with Bravenet does not automatically give you a web site. It only gives you the ability to register for other Bravenet services, which includes a free/paid web site.

If you have just logged into your Bravenet Account Manager, and are in the Members Area, you should see a division that says Membership Information followed by one that says Hosting and Domains. Under Hosting and Domains you should see a little house that says "manage hosting" underneath it. If it instead says "get hosting", you have not registered for a web site. Follow the "get hosting" link and register for a web site. After that the link will read "manage hosting" and allow you to create your web pages.

Re: New and need some help

man...I did exactly what you said...I sign up for hosting and got a new site and it did went to the old page where I can manage my site. I decided to test it so I logout and log back in again but I didn't go there. It went to the page that I couldn't work on.


Re: New and need some help

if you live in cincinnati,ohio I would like to hire you to upgrade my site;