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FTP permission error - dreamweaver

So I tried to set up my FTP in dreamweaver and it looked like everything was ok. When I went to upload the files from my local to my remote site it said that either the file doesn't exist (which it does) or that there is a permission error. Is there something I did not set up correctly in my manage sites folder?

Re: FTP permission error - dreamweaver

Ok well Did You Type the hosting name and password correct b/c i didnt and dreamweaver did not allow to connect??????? im all new to DReamweaver just a suggestion

Re: FTP permission error - dreamweaver

well i'm pretty sure I typed in the right information because when I connect to the remote server I can see the files that I already had put there using bravenet's file manager. I'm guessing that if I had the wrong information I probably wouldn't be able to get that far. The only problem is that when I select a file on my local website (in dreamweaver) and select put file then it acts like it is going to put the file on the remote server until I get an error that says that I dont have permission. I don't know if this has to do with bravenet not giving me permission or if this has to do with my computer not giving me permission. Maybe I need to change my computer preferences somewhere... I dunno... this is really frustrating.

Re: FTP permission error - dreamweaver

Are you using your Bravenet login name or are you using your Bravenet User ID? There is a difference. FTP information can be obtained in your Account Manager by going to Manage Hosting --> FTP Access --> FTP Access. Note that the User Name they specify is your Bravenet User ID number. This same number is used in all of your services, to identify you to the server, and is the User Name required by the FTP service.

If you are still having problems, look for a FTP error log in DreamWeaver. This may give you a more detailed explanation of what went wrong. I know it's more convenient to use DreamWeaver to push your files to your web site, but in a pinch, you can always use the FTP Applet to upload your files.

Re: FTP permission error - dreamweaver

Yes I did use the Bravenet number they gave me under FTP Access and not my Bravenet user id. Like I said I probably wouldn't be able to see my files that were already in my Bravenet remote site if I hadn't connected properly.
I know it would be easier (but slower due too my abundance of files) to use Bravenet's file manager. Actually instead of that I took someone's advice and used explorer's ftp function and can "put" my files successfully doing that. But still... I edit my files alot using dreamweaver so it would be easiest to update everything in dreamweaver.
I have been searching through Macromedia's help and support for an answer and didn't find much. It did tell me to check my FTP log. So I did and it says that I have been connected properly and there are no errors mentioned. From all my reading though... I am thinking this might not be a bravenet permission but maybe a dreamweaver MX 2004 permission problem. I dunno. I found an update download on Macromedia's site that fixes certain problems/bugs. Maybe that will fix it... maybe not .

Re: FTP permission error - dreamweaver

I have been having the same problem. Going straight through the FTP access area, I click connect right after my login name. However, every time I do it, it says I am not authorized with that user name and/or password. BUT when a co administrator from another computer clicks on the connect button after MY name, he can log on no problem. I have also tried using an outside FTP program, and that does not work either. Maybe there is something we are missing on our computers or what?

Re: Re: FTP permission error - dreamweaver

I, too, keep having the same frustrating problem when trying to publish my site via Dreamweaver's built-in FTP client. Let me know if you ever figure out the problem. Thanks!

Re: FTP permission error - dreamweaver

I've got the same problem. Everything was working fine for months until the day before yesterday. I haven't changed anything at all, and I can upload html files, just not images. Strange...
Think it might just be a glitch with Bravenet, because I can't upload the images with THEIR FTP either.

If this doesn't get fixed soon, I think I'm moving my site.