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Silly Wizard Publishing Question

I am a virgin-siter and I have just used Bravenet very user-friendly wizard to create a one page website. However, when I select the publish option - it goes through all the throes and tells me its all uploaded how - hurray! But when I press on the link - it goes to a page that says the owner hasn't published my website yet.

What am I missing?

Re: Silly Wizard Publishing Question

It's not that silly. I'm facing the same problem and after browsing through the forum i think i've done nothing wrong. maybe it's just a matter of time...

Re: Silly Wizard Publishing Question

Thanks for the reassurance... I'll just have to wait...

I hate waiting!!


Re: Silly Wizard Publishing Question

Are you sure you're pressing the 'publish' button twice? I had the same problem too after uploading, it kept saying that the page was just a preview. I went back to the set-up page though and realised that there's another button at the bottom if you scroll right down!

Maybe it's that?

Re: Silly Wizard Publishing Question

Yes, with the Website Wizard you must be sure you get the "Congratulations" message. Only then will you be sure your pages have been written to your web site. But if you get that message, and still see your old data, the problem is probably with your browser.

To speed up internet access and page viewing, browsers keep a cache of recently visited web pages. If you go back to a page that is already in your browsers cache, your browser does not go out to the internet and give you a new page. You see only the stored data. To insure that you see the latest data, you need to delete your Temporary Internet Files, under Tools --> Internet Options in Internet Explorer, and then force a refresh of your page, View --> Refresh (F5).

This should show you all your changes. There should be no effective waiting time when you publish, because the publishing is happening right on Bravenet's servers, and the data is immediately available to the internet.