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Dumb questions about file manager Vs Web wizard


I opened a small free website using the website wizard tool, only I'm now thinking about paying for a bigger site and using the file manager instead so I've got a bit more freedom to design what I want.

I made a single test page using file manager and it seems to be working fine, but now I don't know how to get it into my folder of files I made using the wizard, so I can't add it to my website - can I do that or would I have to redesign the whole site using file manager? Can you have a mixture of custom FM pages as well as wizard pages on a site?

Also is the ftp thingy anything to do with using the file manager (that's how clueless I am)?

If I pay for a new site (as to be honest it's kind of poo and could do with a massive overhaul anyway), would it be easier just to delete my free site and start from scratch, or should I keep it but edit everything?

Sorry for the questions but I'm totally new to this and thought I might as well ask someone.

Re: Dumb questions about file manager Vs Web wizard

I'll leave the Wizard questions to somebody who has used the product.

BRavenet does not place any restrictions on what software you use to build your site. FTP is for transferring files built with third party software on your PC to Bravenet. (File Manager is a slower, Bravenet supplied alternative)

Any professional will use a PC based editor so that they have a complete fall back available if there are any problems with the hosting service.

Re: Dumb questions about file manager Vs Web wizard

It is not possible to create a web page using the File Manager and then upload it into the Website Wizards data base. The page is still on your site, and you can make a manual link to it from the Website Wizard, but you can not manage the page from the Website Wizard, in the say way you manage you other Wizard pages.

If you have the knowledge, it is best to get away from the Website Wizard completely. The Website Wizard is intended for beginners and serves that purpose well. However, as you learn more about web page design, you will find the Website Wizard to be more, and more, restrictive.

Re: Dumb questions about file manager Vs Web wizard

Thanks for the advice.

I think then I'll just buy a new site and use file manager instead.

One more question though (if anyone is still reading this): If I make a lot of pages using file manager, is it still the same process used to publish them to the net (like you simply press an upload button)?

Re: Dumb questions about file manager Vs Web wizard

You have to be a little careful on using the word "publishing". Too many users are under the impression that you files and changes are not available to the internet until you run through a "publish" process. A "publish" process is usually only necessary when you are using off-line web page developers or working with on-line data bases, like the Website Wizard.

If you are working with the editors in the File Manager, you are working on your on-line files directly. During the editing process, your file is read into a buffer that allows you to edit. When you save your changes, your new web page is immediately on the internet. Refreshing your browser data should show you your changes right away. No "publish" process needed.

If you are using some off-line web page developer on your local PC, they will usually have some kind of "publish" capability. It goes under a variety of names, so you need to be careful what you call it. These are really just "upload" options and are really just automated FTP operations. You usually give a configuration page all the information about your server and the program takes care of contacting your web site and uploading the required files. Some can be configured to upload entier sites, while others are limited to just the page your working on.

Using a off-line web page development program on your local PC is the best way to develop. This gives you a local backup of your web site in case something happens, or you just want to move to another server. It allows you to try a lot of things locally, without interrupting your web site.

Re: Dumb questions about file manager Vs Web wizard

Ok why does everyone make it so hard.When your in members location you see manager hosting ok.Then you hit that and it takes you to the manager and the wizard area.You make your site if you just start with the wizard.Then if you want to add stuff you can add it with the wizard.The manager is for deleting or arranging your the way you want it.But if you add stuff with the wizard you will have to go back and edit again.Thats the way i do it.It may not be right but it does work for me until i learn more.

Re: Dumb questions about file manager Vs Web wizard


Thanks for your help guys - think I know what I'm doing now!