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ftp for free site

I am unable to connect to the ftp server. I have tried coffee cup and ftp commander. I did a copy and paste of the server and user names from > website hosting > ftp access > ftp access and made sure to use / as the remote directory. I checked five times to make sure the ftp client was in passive mode. I have read through the forum and found nothing to help. Is anyone else having similar problems? Any suggestions?


Re: ftp for free site

It is much easier to use the File Manager provided. It restricts you to uploading one file at a time, but you just browse it on your PC, and hit GO.

See the sticky at the top of the forum.

Re: ftp for free site


What kind of error messages are you getting from the FTP tools? If the tools don't list anything directly there is usually a log file you can look at.

As Chris said, if you are just dealing with one file at a time, the File Manager works just fine. But there is also the FTP Applet, available from the same area as the FTP information. It works pretty good and will allow you to move multiple files and folders.

Another easy way to FTP is to use Internet Explorer in the FTP mode. If you go to Tools --> Internet Options and click on the Advanced tab. Then make sure the box that says "Folder view for FTP sites" is checked, and click OK. Then, for a URL use:

ftp://[your user ID]

Where [your user ID] is the one listed in "website hosting" --> "ftp access" --> "ftp access". When connected, you will be prompted for your password. If you got everything right you should see a folder with your site name on it. Follow the folder and you will see all the files and folders on your site. To move files, just click-and-drag them from another explorer window.