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Is there a page Limit?

Is there a limit to how many pages you can have (and therefore how many buttons in naviagtion) on your site if you are using a template?

Re: Is there a page Limit?

No, there is no effective limit to the number of pages that you can have. You would have a hard time making enough web pages to exceed the number of files or space limit, but it is possible to use up the space with big images.

You just need to be careful, when you add buttons, that you don't go a little overboard. With a lot of pages, it is sometimes better to implement a popup menu to catagorize your pages better.

Re: Is there a page Limit?

There is a limit on the number of files you can have but this is so large that it would take some quite amazingly bad site design to get anywhere near it.

Re: Is there a page Limit?

i'm actually not sure. When I had my old site it said the maximum amount was 7 I tried and it wouldn't allow me now I made a new site and have 54 pages and its no problem at all!

Re: Is there a page Limit?


You old site must have been a Website Wizard Theme (Red Wizard). That's a 7 page limit imposed on the users due to the structure of the Themes. If you were using a Website Wizard Layout (Blue Wizard), you can have as many pages as you want to deal with. It doesn't take to many before the navigation menu starts getting really cluttered.

I have almost 350 files on my site and I'm still no where near the 20,000 file limit or the 50 MB size limit.