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When I make changes to my site .html documents in File Manager, it does show the change to the files

When I make changes to my site html documents in File Manager, it does not show the change to the files when I go to website wizard to edit them. Sometimes I use the File Manager to edit my files, other times I use the Website Wizard. Do they not coordinate with each other?

Re: When I make changes to my site .html documents in File Manager, it does show the change to the f

The Website Wizard and the File Manager are NOT compatible with each other. You can not make changes using the editors in the File Manager and expect it to change the Website Wizard data base. Any changes you do make that way will be overwritten as soon as you use the "publish" option in the Website Wizard. Files edited from the File Manager do not need publishing.

Use the File Manager OR the Website Wizard, but not both.

Re: When I make changes to my site .html documents in File Manager, it does show the change to the f

Heres my suggestion on a way to use both.Once use have adding everything you want with the wizard then use the manager.Thats what i have been doing.But remember that once you use the wizard you will have to go back to the manager to do the editing again.It does take work thou if you add stuff over time with the wizard.

Re: When I make changes to my site .html documents in File Manager, it does show the change to the f

Oh, then here is a hint for all the people who work here on how to improve the site: MAKE THE WIZARD AND THE FILE MANAGER COMPATIBLE SO THAT WEBMASTERS CAN USE BOTH, THAT WOULD MAKE WEBMASTERS' JOBS SSSOOOOO MUCH EASIER. Sometimes it's easier to edit something in the wizard. Other times you have to go to the basic HTML to get something COOL or SPECIAL to work. Like a snowing effect or even a BASIC CLOCK!!!!!! Or you know, you could add more smilies or something... your choice.........

Re: When I make changes to my site .html documents in File Manager, it does show the change to the f

Oh, then here is a hint for all the people who work here on how to improve the site:....

Your sarcasm is lost to the ether. There are no Bravenet admins on these forums. These are "user helping user" forums. If you want Bravenet to hear your hint, send it to them.

There are hundreds of other programs out there that are so much better suited to your needs. The Website Wizard is intended for beginners who don't know, or don't want to know, anything about HTML and CSS. There is nothing wrong with this. Everyone should be able to create webs sites, regardless of their abilities. But, if your actually know how to program in HTML and CSS, you have no business using the Website Wizard and then complaining about it's limitations.