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MySQL (on a seperate location), PHP

I run a game server for a game called Ultima Online. This server has the ability to access MySQL databases. First, I couldn't get it to access the MySQL database for my host, bravenet, so I gave up on that. I went through all the setting up for MySQL on my own computer and then set up the php scripts to go to my own MySQL database. When I upload these php files to my server, they absolutely refuse to connect to my database. I can do it by going into mysql.exe -h -u -p
And that works fine.

I'm gonna restate my issue:
I made a MySQL database.
I uploaded scripts that attach to the MySQL database.
They won't attach to my MySQL database, but it works fine if I use the one provided.
If I use the one provided, my server for Ultima Online won't attach to the database provided by Bravenet.

Is there any way I can fix this or is this Bravenets firewalls and etc. kicking in and not letting me do this?

All help is appreciated.

Browser: Deliri Death,2

Re: MySQL (on a seperate location), PHP

"Do you currently allow out-going connections via PHP?
We do not allow out-going connections at this time, the exception to this is that we do allow connections to other providers MySQL databases."

Nevermind. This is the end of my business with bravenet.

Browser: Deliri Death,2

Re: MySQL (on a seperate location), PHP

well if u want mysql that works kevhosting has it and it works perfectly i use it myself just visit free hosting

Browser: croationskater91,2