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how do re-organise the navigtion..

as the title says? how do u reorganise the catergories?.......


Re: how do re-organise the navigtion..

Use any editor EXCEPT the Website Wizard.

Re: how do re-organise the navigtion..

thz i'll give it a try

Re: how do re-organise the navigtion..

hmmmm wel i went into file manger and tried to move it.. but it went all dodgy..e/g changed colour, more space than needed.. :S

could you tel me how to do it please.

Re: how do re-organise the navigtion..

You site is a Website Wizard creation. If you want to get your first page back to original, just go to the Website Wizard and use the "publish" option. This will overwrite your changes and put your colors and links back to where they were.

Even though you can see your web site pages from the File Manager, you shouldn't be using it to change the order of your navigation menu. Any changes made with the File Manager editors can not be pushed up to the Website Wizard's data base. If you then went back to the Website Wizard, changed some content, and then published, all your changes would be overwritten.