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Free host size limit

My web site is growing all the time and
i am conchus of space
For the free hosting account dose anyone know
what the max total of Mb thier is

Re: Free host size limit

Bravenet's front page, before you log in, tells you that free hosting is limited to 50 MB. However, if you want to know how much space you have already used, that's another issue. You can simply go to the File Manager and add up all the file sizes. If you don't have too many, this isn't a big deal. If you have lots of files and folders, this can be a problem.

The only effictive way I found, to find out how much space you have used, is through FTP. A FTP connection reports back the number of files and disk space used. However, some FTP programs, like the Java Applet, hides the connection information. But a simple way is to use a command line FTP. Go to your "Start" menu and click on "Run". In the "Run" prompt enter "ftp" and click OK. This should bring up a DOS window with a FTP session in it. Enter your Bravenet user ID number and password. The response will be similar to the listing below:

Connected to
220-FTP server ready.
220- Welcome to the Official FTP Site for free users.
220- For any difficulties please see
220 This is a private system - No anonymous login
User ( none)): 2525572892
331 User 2525572892 OK. Password required
230-Your bandwidth usage is restricted
230-OK. Current restricted directory is /
230-349 files used (1%) - authorized: 20000 files
230 4484 Kbytes used (8%) - authorized: 51200 Kb

Your FTP login information is available by following the links "manage hosting" --> "ftp access" --> "ftp access".

Re: Free host size limit

the free webhosting gives you 50 MB of space if you use the file manager yust add all your files and then youl see how much space you got




Re: Re: Free host size limit

The 50Mb free web hosting is big enough to contain several thousand web pages. Unless you write web pages full time this should be enough to last you for many years.

If you are filling the space quicker than this then your web pages are way too big.

Re: Free host size limit

Actually that's only partly true. If all you're doing is designing webpages then 50meg will last awhile, however if you're site has files attached to it that others can download, such as the one I'm working on (Flight Sim based) then 50 meg will not go very far at all. It can take just 2 or three aircraft files or scenery files, etc. and you've used up 50 meg without even trying.

Re: Free host size limit

So does anything warn you when you are getting close to your 50 mb's?