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Nobody Visits!!!!!

Nobody goes on my site and its sooooo annoying because I do all this work for nothing. I don't want money and I'm not american so I cant pay in cents so pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaase help!!!!


Re: Nobody Visits!!!!!


1. There must be something on your site that people want to look at.

2. They must know that it is there.

Content is down to you. Find a topic that gives your site focus and that fills a gap in the market. A site or a business or organisation is easy to focus. If it is a fan site or a general topic like country music or rock climbing it is more difficult. Search the web for other related sites, see what they miss.

Getting the site known - exchange links with other related sites. Where relevant get it mentioned in related printed media. Put the url on your email signature.

To summarise - content and focus. Just saying "hi this is my web site" is not enough.

Re: Nobody Visits!!!!!

hey if you want free or paid hosting go to we will try to match any hosting that you already have we have new forums and a whole bunch of other stuff upgrades are randomly given away on the boards to the people that post first we have rv skin pretty cheap and lots of other stuff so come visit i tried it and found it awsome 2 thumbs way up

you should visit get free hosting and then go to the forum and promote your site trust me the members would join if u had a good site and u could aski the admin to move the site u already have to the new hosting dont post your reply here aim me or email me or just join my user name is croationskater91 if u do use the link so i know i9f u join you will like it

Browser: croationskater91,2

Re: Nobody Visits!!!!!

Hi, if your SITE is, "for kids", then you really need to keep that in mind when designing your main page. You need a lot more than just sticking a pink background on!

Start by addressing the age group you are targetting, and the design a MAIN PAGE that is attractive to that age group.

Put some "fun stuff" on that main page, and then advertise your URL.


Why would anyone want to get hosting from somewhere that is so low as to post spam on the message boards of other hosting companies.

Re: Nobody Visits!!!!!

try using something called META TAGS so the search engines can find it

Re: Nobody Visits!!!!!

im not spaming the advice im also helping her with ideas at the same time and im sorry if u feel like that

Browser: croationskater91,2

Re: Nobody Visits!!!!!

hey, im only 10, so dont call me useless! and thanks to all those HELPFUL people but i dont quite understand what you mean. by the way, i like pink!!!
