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i recently changed the look of my home page by accident. i had a really pretty twinkling star background but i forgot to uncheck the style box when submitting my site. can anyone please remind me how to get my old background back, i remember it was done in the style.css part of file manager and that i had to add a line to the text in there but i cant remember what that line contained. i still have the background uploaded in the file manager section, so it is just a matter of discvering what line i am meant to add. if anyone knows please let me know as this is driving me crazy.

Re: backgrounds

It's not recommended to manage a Website Wizard creation the way you do, for that exact reason. But I know that isn't going to stop you. At the very least, you should download a copy of the CSS file to your local hard drive as a backup. Then, if you overwrite it by accident again, and you will, you can just upload it from the File Manager.

I see the modification that you made to the style.css file. You are in the correct spot but you are trying to use a HTML tag in a CSS file. Your modification looks like the following:

font: 0.8em Verdana, Tahoma, Sans Serif;
color: #3a403c;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;

To fix it, move the background reference into the body style like below:

font: 0.8em Verdana, Tahoma, Sans Serif;
color: #3a403c;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;

Note that I also fixed the name of the image file. But it looks like you may have modified other parts of the CSS file and allowed the page to adjust to the size of the screen. This is going to hide a lot of the background image, because most of the sections have background colors defined.

Re: backgrounds

Thanx very much martin. I finally have my old background back. My fiance will be very happy now as it is his site.