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Problem with ads covering my page!

Hi, I just opened an account today, and made my first webpage.(I have been learning html from I am trying to figure out how to keep the ads from covering up the first part of my page-I tried putting breaks in the first part to make the body go lower down, but the ads just went with it. How can I get around this? Thank you for any feedback!


Re: Problem with ads covering my page!

Oh, and the addy is

Thank you!

Re: Problem with ads covering my page!

Break tags is not the way to get your content away from the banners. Proper document structure is.

You have many things wrong with your web page, but let's start out with something simple. What you are seeing is multiple banners because you have multiple tags in your web page. If you had a paid site, with no advertisements, it wouldn't much matter, but you don't. The server keys on the to insert a advertising banner. The signals the start of page content and there should be only one. When you have multiple tags you get a banner for each one.

Below is a page structure that might be better for you to follow. It has a structure at the top, with a tag, followed by a single <body> tag. Note that more than one attribute can be put in a single <body> tag. Following the advertising banner, there are two header paragraphs and a image. The rest, of course, you will have to fill in yourself.<br /> <br /> <TT><HTML><br /> <head><br /> <!-- <B>This text winds up in the window title bar.</B> --><br /> <TITLE><B>Falcon Farm Andalusians</B>

Falcon Farm Andalusians

FOR SALE-2002 Pure Spanish Andalusian Stallion

Your page content.

You can take the text above and create a HTML file directly. Just copy/paste it into a text editor and give it a ".html" extension. It will work without any modifications. Admittedly, this is only a very basic page structure. There are many more thing you can do and you will learn them as you continue your studies. A better tutorial for learning HTML is at W3Schools. I never found the info on WebMonkey to be very well oganized.

Re: Problem with ads covering my page!

I see-the extra 's are in the tags for font and page color. Thank you for explaining why the ads were doing that. Now I just have to do some more learning I guess! Thanks for the other link too, I appreciate your help! I really do want to learn html,so it's a start I guess.
