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Can't see anything!

I uploded my pages using the File Manager, of course I had to edit pictures, inserting urls and all that. But when I saved my index and looked at it, it showed nothing. Anyone know why this would happen? My site is

Note: index contains frames, would that mattter?

Re: Can't see anything!

Yes, that is probably the problem.

Bravenet explicitly say that frames are not supported in the free service.

Depending on how you get the pages onto your site you will either get:
1. A blank page or
2. An advert in each frame

Re: Can't see anything!


well, does anyone know where else i could post my site for free?

Re: Re: Can't see anything!

From a design point of view frames on your home page are a very bad idea. Search engines will always return an individual frame as a full page rather than the full frameset.

If you can stomach four pop-ups every time somebody opens a new page on your site you could try 0catch

You could check if your ISP provides any free space. This is far less common these days but mine still gives me 15meg ad free with no bandwidth limit.

Re: Can't see anything!

Thanks for the input. U kno, I think I'll take ur advice Peter and change my index page. Maybe I should use tables then.

If I do that, I'm wondering if I'd have to set a size or sumthin... if that's true... then how? anyone?

I want my navigation to be seperate, so if you guys could help, that'd be wonderful.

Re: Can't see anything!

Vic, I'm fairly new to this game, and I had the same problem. In order to learn how tables function, I took a short on-line tutorial through I was then able to change the structure of my site from frames to tables, retaining a seperate nav bar. I'm at