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Getting The Word Out!!

Hello everyone , I was just wondering if anyone knows of a way to get people to visit my site?
I have alot there and want people to visit and sign my guestbook,write in my forum,and journal.
any ideas?


Re: Getting The Word Out!!

Contact other related web sites and offer to exchange links.

Put the site address in your email signature (read the help in your email system if you don't know how)

Mention the site in any printed correspondence

Get mentions in relevant printed media.

Re: Getting The Word Out!!

You might concider registering your site with different search engines. Some like Ask Jeeves charges to have your sight listed but others will list your site for free. Try listing with and to start out with. It takes a few weeks for it to be entered into the engine so you have to be patient. Good luck!

Re: Getting The Word Out!!

By the way what is your url.? I'd like to come and visit.

Re: Re: Getting The Word Out!!

If you don't have quality links search engines will give you a very low rating.

If you do have quality links then they will find you through the links.

It slipped my memory on my previous post but you really should register with DMOZ