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Website Protection

Hi Everyone,...Does anyone know of a way I can protect my website/webpages from being stolen? I have a lot of animations on my website, and also, I don't want to reveal my source code, and also, I don't want my pages copied. Any help from anyone, would be Greatly Appreciated...Thanks/Jacqui

Browser: jacquib337,3

Re: Website Protection

Do you have a premium or free website?

How much do you know about HTML in general?

Let me know ill try and help.


Re: Website Protection

Whatever you put on the web has to be downloaded to visitors' computers before it can be viewed. This makes protection impossible. The only real protection is not to put it on the web.

Somebody will probably tell you about "no right click" scripts. Ignore them, they can be broken in seconds.

Re: Re: Website Protection

Hi,...I have a Premium website, and I know somethings about html...Thanks/Jacqui

Browser: jacquib337,3

Re: Website Protection

Well no need to get all down and depressed about it...

The truth is that someone who really wants to take your stuff and knows how to, will always find a way to do so.

So, with that in mind... Most people (i'd say 85%) have no idea how to hack, those that do probably wouldn't steal your artwork, they'd steal your passwords, credit card/bank card #'s ....

That sort of thing does happen but it's not as common as some people make it out to be.

Security measures can be taken, at least to restrict access to some pages or content.

EX. put your best content in a members area where you have some sort of way to monitor who had access to it and even maybe a record of peoples ip's and times/dates they were online.

If you add a "no right click" script to your page then the average joe whos trying to steal your content to put on his/her own site would most likely get stopped right there.

The only other thing I can think of would be to copyright ALL your content and hire an army of lawyers.

Good Luck,


Re: Website Protection

Dear Jacquelline:

I can emphasize with you.

Other ways to protect yourself against stealing is to make a disk copy and then make screen copies onto paper. Make several copies.

Get a notary public to stamp both copies. ( If you bank the bank's notary will probably do this for free or maybe if you go to church your church secretary can do it. Besure and get all copies stamped.

Then mail the copies that have been stamped back to yourself.

The paper copies are to thowart anyone claiming that you downloaded their work from the internet.

Yes anyone can still your work from the internet. But there is a code that can prevent them from downloading your animations, etc. without permission.

Research the internet for it.

Keep on trucking! Please do not give up. The world needs more imaginative people like you.

Re: Website Protection

You can also scramble your source code, but be careful and always keep a copy of your original source code as a backup. Does not work with all code and can be broken by seasoned writers.

Scramble Codea

As far as copyrights. Any original piece of work you have is automaticaly under protection as long as it has a date stamp. Yes, this goes for the internet too. You website is already under copyright protection. The trick is being able to know if your work has been stolen. In such a puclic domain as the internet nothing is truly secure.

Re: Website Protection

hey take a look there maybe its what ya want
ya can protect folders ect. .... nothing is 100% secure in web

Browser: ,3