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Can I choose what kind of ads are displayed...

Some free webhosting services will place ads on your site that pertain to subjects of your choosing--for example, if you have a music fansite, you could choose to include ads about music and entertainment on your site.

Is there any way to do this with bravenet? I really don't want ads for things like "!!" "find the perfect mate!" all over my website.

Re: Can I choose what kind of ads are displayed...


I don't work for bravenet so I really can't answer your question but, I would like to say that if they do not have that option here at bravenet then they should highly consider it. I think it's just plain and simply "smarter marketing" ...

I have a website through bravenet for my clan (video games) and I really don't see how they plan on selling completely irrelevant products on my site or yours for that matter.

How is our website supposed to strike FEAR into the hearts of our opponents when "" or "" is being splashed all over our page...

I know I know, if it's that big of a problem just upgrade and you wont be bothered with ads anymore...

The truth is... if I have to pay for a website just to get those ads off (or at least get a choice) then I will most likely go with another company all together just because im frustrated...

Food for thought bravenet staff... try eating some.


Re: Can I choose what kind of ads are displayed...

Yeah, for the type of site I want to have, those "passion" ads are quite inappropriate and I know they'll give (stupid) people the wrong idea about the content....

And it does seem a little smarter to be able to gear the ads toward your audience...

Does anyone else know for sure? Otherwise, I'll have to use something other than bravenet because I'm not serious enough about this site to pay for it O.o

Re: Can I choose what kind of ads are displayed...

An issue near and dear to my heart! And, I'm sorry to say, we have no choice in the matter. I even opened a support ticket to inquire. The response was apologetic but quite clear, so my time with Bravehost is probably limited.

Some thoughts:

1. In my experience, it's quite possible this issue lies "way up the food chain" in the Bravehost company structure. The adds we are seeing are what keep the company afloat and allow our free websites. In this technological age though, I'm sure there is SOMEONE knowledgeable enough to figure out a way to keep us all electronically happy! I wonder if Bravehost is just not tapping this resource?

2. Does anyone know how to start one of those e-mail petitions that would express our desire for site appropriate adds? Maybe if they had a few hundred e-signatures they'd get the message. Anyone has the right to sell what they want; more power to them. I also have the right to chose what I see and what I support.

3. I am currently using the free option site apprpriate for my current circumstances. Sorry for those of you who are paying for the mess! I guess our only hope is that the increased prices might be to pay for a new service the Bravehost fairy is creating to allow us to choose our ads. (Bravehost: THIS IS A HINT!)

I'll hush now. Hope I'm still a customer after I post this. I've really had fun and learned a lot through building my site and meeting you folks, not to mention getting many ideas for future plans. Have a good week.
