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Add music?

Once i upload a song to my file manager how do i add the music to my page-and if possible ad it without people having to download it everytime they come to my website

Re: Add music?

I have the same question-help anyone?

Re: Add music?

Ok, 2 things.

1st, Do you have a free website or is it a premium?

There's quite a difference in answers depending on that fact.

2nd, Most browsers keep pages and it's content in memory sometimes up to 30 days and therefor your song will already be downloaded when it comes to "repeat" visitors. Everyone will have to download it the first time they visit your page though.


Re: Add music?

I am working with the free version, as obviously I'm new at this. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Re: Add music?


Free users have limited file TYPES and SIZES they can upload...

In the instance of music, free pages only allow ".wav" files and I think 150kbs in size...
Basically thats about a 4-5 sec. soundclip.
If this is ok for you then open your visual editor on the page you'd like to add your sound into...
On the left will be a list of all the files and folders associated with your website...
Highlight and right click the sound file and select "insert into webpage"
This should embed the sound into your page.

Peace out dudes... good luck.


Re: Add music?

Thank you, M4X1MUS

Re: Add music?


Re: Add music?

Something funny?


Re: Add music?

Um ya i started this thread...and i found out that i could just add html that has a player so u dont have to download it....but that html i added was for a MIDI file so ya...

Re: Add music?

First upload the file by the file manager then go to this website so you can get the code for the player on your website without download

here is the address:

Re: Add music?

and free webhosting support midi files too