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counter and guestbook

whenever i copy and paste the code to put my counter and guest book on my website, all that shows up is the code that i pasted and a link, not the counter or book. what am i doing wrong? i am confused...

Re: counter and guestbook

where are you c&p impacts the c&p proccesse
c&p is only desinged for file manager

if you use it in the wizard it will not work ie file manager add to the bottom of your site
the wizard adds to the top

it is like sewing if you sew on one side you see the pattern if you sew on the other all you see is the work part the knots and all that

in this case the code

Re: counter and guestbook

I don't know what kind of point Ken was trying to get across, but the usual problem with inserting code is that your are in the wrong editor mode.

If you are using the Website Wizard, you need to switch your editing window from the Visual Editor to the Code Editor. You will have to find your place in the code to do the insert. The buttons for switching the editor mode are right above the content window, when you are editing.

If you create an empty line in the content area (just a return with no text), this will create code that looks like


. You could make it even easier to spot if you put some text on the line that says someting like "insert here". Then your would be looking for something like

insert here

. This is pretty easy to spot in the code. Select the text between the

and the

, and insert your counter code. If you then switch back to the Visual Editor, you may, or may not, see anything different. Some of the copy and paste codes are Javascript and will not be visable until you save your work and preview your site.

This is very similar if you are using the editors in the File Manager, or a web page editor on your local PC. You will always have to either switch to a text mode or invoke a special function to directly insert HTML code.

Re: counter and guestbook

sorry i guess my point was kinda unclear

what i meant is copy and pasting in the wizard only inserts the code

since the code is like stiching

if it is on the out side it is not usable and ugly

where if the stiches are on the inside the pattern is seen and you get to use it