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ok once again come check it out if your cool enough

alright last time for some reason it didn't show the URL. so I'm going try again. here is my website come check it out. unless your french cause then you might disagree with a sentence on there... nothing bad i swear...

Re: ok once again come check it out if your cool enough


Re: ok once again come check it out if your cool enough

what am i being a liar about...

Re: ok once again come check it out if your cool enough

Re: ok once again come check it out if your cool enough

the site is ok but why all the monkey stuff it is kinda dumb not very funny at least not for me

why glock for monkeys your site needs a theme

i know how hard that is to come up with but please don't choose that one

there is no comon theme to your site it is all picese of ideas of ideas not in any way realted