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why photos cant be published on the site ? pls help

dear all :
i have problem with the site publishing, i creatd the site by frontpage , but couldnt upload by frontpage to bravenet server, (maybe cos i registered a free acount but not paid one ), then anyway i uploaded it by the file manager of bravehost, then check the pulished site, just texts are shown but not photos , why ??
pls hlep !!!!

Re: why photos cant be published on the site ? pls help

I know one thing that it may be:


is a directory that Frontpage Insticntively
puts photos when you build a webpage especially if you use the "make web" or "new web" feature.
p.s. read my other post here same day

Re: why photos cant be..........put your website in.....

Me again, oh yeah and if you post your website I can go check it out.
I think this is a good rule of thumb cause this is USERS helping USERS right?
When posting to an Admin giving your site is often mandatory to get help
