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CAN SOMEONE HELP A GIRL OUT?i cant find the extra stuff like the guestbook on my website!!! HELP!

ok. CAN SOMEONE HELP A GIRL OUT??? im pretty sure i added the guestbook to my site, i mean it lets me edit it and everything. but when i go to my site i cant ever find the stupid guestbook. its drivn=ing me crazy . i dont know if maybe i didnt add it right or something or if im supposed to manualy add a link to it or what. But whatever it is, if you have a guestbook on your site and know how it got there, then could you please PLEASE help me out and tell me what you know?? thanks much..
much love to all who help..

Re: CAN SOMEONE HELP A GIRL OUT?i cant find the extra stuff like the guestbook on my website!!! HELP

Just being registered for a guest book does not put it on your web site. How you actually put it on your site depends on how you are creating your site. You haven't given us a URL to look at, so no one can give you any real advice.

Re: CAN SOMEONE HELP A GIRL OUT?i cant find the extra stuff like the guestbook on my website!!! HELP

click in to the manage hosting and then click the web site wizard then manage links then add link then add bravenet service thats it

it should be added you can add most of the services that way if you want to see what it looks like look at my site

the way i listed above is what i did

Re: CAN SOMEONE HELP A GIRL OUT?i cant find the extra stuff like the guestbook on my website!!! HELP

alright thanks

Re: CAN SOMEONE HELP A GIRL OUT?i cant find the extra stuff like the guestbook on my website!!! HELP

I am really intrested in seeing your site can you tell me the adress i would like to see what it is like

Re: CAN SOMEONE HELP A GIRL OUT?i cant find the extra stuff like the guestbook on my website!!! HELP

yeah my website is

Re: CAN SOMEONE HELP A GIRL OUT?i cant find the extra stuff like the guestbook on my website!!! HELP

thanks for the bit on how to add the guest book link.
I had the same problem as Saaaaaraaaaaa. I followed the instructions and it is now on the website!!

Browser: thanks