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criticism please


I'm fairly new and I dug this out of the wizard. I would like somene to please be critical (but not too cruel) as I don't know any html as yet. This is basically my theme which incorporates my affiliate sites but didn't want it to be too obvious but at the same time assist people. I plan to either increase the pages later or go through a webbuilder later on.

My website is


Re: criticism please

I think you have a good start there. The only thing I would change and pay attention to is making sure your paragraphs line up.

Is it possible to arrange the right hand side so the picture isn't cut off?

Browser: hsingscrapper,2

Re: criticism please

Hi Heidi

Thanks for the input but when checked from googles, everything seemed in line. Could you pinpoint the spot - it can only be on pg 2 (only page with banners)


Re: criticism please

actually it's on the first page where the newsletter sign-up box is. it cuts off the top of the picture on my screen.

Browser: hsingscrapper,2

Re: criticism please

The bussiness name confused me a bit. It doesn't sound like it would be for anything to do with horses.

Re: criticism please

Thanks Heidi

I've aligned the margins but does it still cut off on your screen because on mine it looks fine.

Re: Because you asked

It doesn't only concern horses. Anyone who owns dogs, cats and rodents are involved and it's the only name I could think up at that instant.


Re: criticism please

on the right, where the mailing list box is, is the picture that is getting cut off. I took a screenshot and circled the spot.

hope this helps!

Browser: hsingscrapper,2

Re: criticism please


I'm one of those who believe that your WEB MAIN PAGE is equivalent to a book cover: it has to PULL the viewer inside by giving them a collage of sufficient pleasing, attractive and interesting visual glimpses at what the whole thing is all about.

Re: criticism please

well i like the site but am a question do you get any thing for having those links on you page

if not you should it is free advertising for them you are putting them on you site you should get some

thing for telling about the companies

nice site keep up the good work personily i do not like horses they are way too big
they scare me never liked them not since i was a kid

Re: criticism please

If your aim is to help people, this needs to somehow be included in more than just your concluding paragraph. I like where you are going with this though. Keep up the good work!


Re: criticism please

HI , GRRR8 SITE .....

Re: criticism please

Thanks Inquiring mind, Ken Gelphi and Beth

Your input in appreciated. I find other peoples' opinions are important as what one person finds nice, another may find it boring, horrible or tasteless.
This will keep on for a bit but I will make a plan to do some changes.


Re: criticism please

Hi Shakira

Thanks, it makes feel good and I appreciate it. At least I now know that I still have some sort of hope left in my life to do something worthwhile.


Re: criticism please



Re: criticism please

Hi Sam

I used the copy and paste and inserted it on the page that I wanted it on - put it on the copy editor (I used the wizard). Generally I worked in an order so that everything came out in the order I had worked on.

I'm still having problems with it - I don't know how to reduce the size lengthwise so the ladys hat is not cut off.

Hope that helps.


Re: criticism please





Re: criticism please

hi again.....

it aint easy hosting a website *lol*

pleeeeze can u advise me again ,

i am hving problems with my web journal,
it comes with a page cannot be displayed ...
any ideas wat shud i do ???


Re: criticism please

Hi Sam

I wish I could help you but I'm actually a newbie here and this is my first site I've done. My best response is either put another ticket out for someone who is very experienced like Martin or to read through all the forums like I did.

I know it's a pain and not easy, but either I got here through tips, trial and error or because I knew the basic such as copy and paste.

Which wizard are you using (if any)? I used the red one so it was easy enough. As for the Journal, please don't ask me that, I'm lost! I really am sorry!


Re: criticism please

Hi Sam

Me again. I went through your site and I liked it. A couple of things I noticed: -
1) Is the word supposed to be taughts or thoughts?
2) The yellow I cannot see at all what was written there and the light blue I can sort of make out the wording,
3) The atheist having to put their hand on the bible was put in twice,
4) The only thing I can suggest is adjusting some figures in the html to reduce the width. I have that particular problem but in the length. As noone has come forward as yet with advice, I would tinkle about until something gives. If it all goes nuts, then at least the copy and paste can put us out of our misery. I will tinker about and get back to you with my results - keep a lookout in this section!


Re: criticism please

Hi Sam
Not even 2 minutes! what a record. I remembered seeing someones article regarding the same fate as yours - only problem I don't know what package she is on, so I presume the copy and paste is all the same.

The second line of the cut and paste code sets the width to 235 pixels.

You can change it to whatever you like, but it's going to throw the whole form off. You will need to reposition everything and reduce the size of the boxes to make it look right.

Aren't you lucky - at least you have a clue to look for! I need to have my eyes re-examined by the time I've finished so I can see straight again. (Just kidding).

Hope that helped. Unfortunately that was the only article I came across regarding the size. Look through the html section, you will also get hints on other things that need to get done.


Help what happened - all I did was quote for Sam