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advertising, again.

Okay, okay. I know I have to put up with the ads as long as I'm too cheap to pay for a site. However, someone told me about being able to choose the content of the ads. I can handle the travel stuff, educational, food, etc, but my spiritually based site doesn't exactly fit with mainstream America's idea of sex. Does anyone know about blocking "categorical" advertisements?

Thanks for your help.


Re: advertising, again.

This is a regular complaint here as sites for churches have been getting dating and gambling ads. Last time that I checked there was no option, if Bravenet have changed things then I missed it.

Re: advertising, again.

Oh, I "KNOW" what you mean! I have a christian site, and boy, what a shock! I couldn't believe my eyes the stuff that was being advertised! Unreal!

SOLOTION: 1, paid hosting 2, find a CHRISTIAN HOST

God bless!

Re: advertising, again.

Thanks to both of you. I might try contacting bravehost to see if I learn anything differently.

Beth (the on-line clergy spouse!)

Re: advertising, again.

To: On-line pastor

What are some Christian hosts? Or any other hosts that will respect my values? I really am not in a position to start shelling out the bucks yet.

Thanks, Beth