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Will someone remind me how to disable the right click feature on my site?

THANK YOU for your time.


Re: security

wel do you mean right clicking in the photo album or right clicking to view the source
one is easy to turn off but not sure with the other
in the photo albums manager you can choses wether it is on or offbut that only applies for the album

Re: security

Thanks for the info. I'm sure I will need it eventually but this time I was referring to the site itself. I know there is no foolproof way to protect stuff but I want to be aware of copyright issues and protecting my own material. Thanks again for your answer.


Re: Re: security

Any decent web browser igores attempts to block access to the context (right click) menu. Blocking access in those browsers that does allow it interferes with legitimate visitors access to your site and encourages smart***** to steal your images.

The best way to discourage people taking yor images is to place a watermark in the image itself.