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Please help us Please!!

We are senior citizens and have joined several affiliate programs and wish to install their banners on a web page but we do not know how large of a web page that we need as far as band width, etc.
We will be advertising the web page and/or site very heavily and may get up to 20,000 visitors per day and do not want the server and/or the web page to have problems.
Thank you very much,
Jim & Mary

Re: Please help us Please!!

If the banners are loading from the affiliate site then it is using up their bandwidth not yours.

You also need to add up the sizes of all of the files that go to make up your web page (whether on your site or remotely loaded) and make sure the combined size is less than 80k - otherwise youw web page is way too big. Aim for an average web page size of under 30k if possible.

If you want to include more than 80k of content then create multiple pages and link them together.

If you end up with say 5 pages each 80k in size then that is 400k of bandwidth if one person views all 5 pages. If you expect to have 20000 people view all 5 pages every day then that will require 8Gb of bandwidth per day which will either come all from your site allowance (if you have all of the images hosted there) or only partly from your allowance and mostly from the affiliates allowances if they allow or require you to remotely load their images.

If all of the images are remotely loaded and your 5 pages were only 4k each for HTML and 76k of remotely loaded images (still assuming 5 pages) then you will only use 400Mb of bandwidth per day with 20000 visitors.

Your paid web hosting should have an arrangement where they provide so much bandwidth in your hosting package and then charge extra if your bandwidth goes over. You just need to work out which hosting package/excess bandwidth payment will provide the cheapest solution for your expected usage.