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what have i dun rong

hullo people,
can any1 please help me with this prob.
every time i want to goto my site it comes up with sumthin sit shud be
but it comes up with a .com site
and when i sign in it still says my site is a .com
what hav i dun wrong
regards v...gollum

Re: what have i dun rong is listed as having been registered but nothing has been uploaded yet. Have you arranged to have that domain set up to point to your Bravenet hosting? If so then it may just be that the Domain Name Servers haven't picked up the change yet.

The domain name showing in your Bravenet Members Area has nothing to do with where your actual site is. You enter the name there to make it easier to get to your site from the Member's Area.

Re: what have i dun rong

hullo steven,
i have started to build the site by adding pics and so on.i have visited the site before and it worked,i have also recieved papers through the post to say the site is mine and been to the link they sent but that was a few mnths ago and its site isnt a dot com but a and neither are mine..
all my links seem to goto buying or register
ime abit lost now
cheers v..gollum

Re: Re: what have i dun rong

Did you arrange to get the domain name set up to point to your web hosting? Bravenet will have provided you with some information (nameserver settings) that you need to provide to the domain name registrar in order for you to get your domain name to point to your hosting? If you don't have this information from Bravenet then open a support ticket to ask them for it.

Re: what have i dun rong

hullo stephen,ooppss
i think so but it was a while bk..i do recall bouncing my old website to this newer 1,i remember typing my old site and it came up with my new 1..
i can however find this site in mention but now it has bravenet at the end of the name.
your last post did ring a few bells though..thanks
i have just updated 1 of my pages its just that when i goto veiw the site the name is as long as my arm IE
i hope this helps
thanks again for the qik responce