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Why dose bravenet let their members answer their questions?

They should have a bigger database for questions and answers. Even ebay & paypal have a huge database for people that are not literate internet based.

Re: Why dose bravenet let their members answer their questions?

Doesn't ebay and paypal have user/member forums? I'm asking because I don't know. I have no use for either service, so I have never looked into it.

But what am I missing? Bravenet has articles, FAQs for every service they offer, and some services have Tutorials. There are six forums to choose from, each full of information, are searchable, and have sticky notes for information. Beyond that you have Google and Yahoo. Google is where I find about 40% of the information I provide to other users. If you can't find the answer to your problem with all this, you can always open a ticket. I opened one last week and asked why the HTML Coding Forum didn't have search capability. In two days I got an answer and they added the capability. I also asked for the spell checker back, but apparently it was a third party function that they were having cross browser issues with.

Providing all of this information doesn't mean that anyone uses it. Some users find it easier to ask a question on one of the forums, click the "Notify me" button, and wait for a response. Some are even rude enough to flame the respondent, if the answer isn't quite what they want, or doesn't quite fit their needs. But you also have the other side of the coin. Users who did their research, didn't find a viable answer, and are grateful for some extra help.

I do, however, feel that some of the information could be better. If Bravenet had an administrator scan these forums, once or twice a week, they might get a better idea of the problems/questions that crop up, time and time again. They don't have to be responsible for answering any of the questions, because after all, most of the forum questions come from free site/service users, or are coding based. But they may be able to enhance their existing information to better target the problem areas. This, in the end, would reduce the number of service tickets generated and create a more satisfied customer (if that really possible). Probably the most misunderstood area is the interaction between the Website Wizards and the File Manager. Man, is that ever a headache.

But many users need to realize that, none of this stuff is rocket science. The services and things won't bit you, so feel free to poke around and experiment. You can create test pages to play with and try out your code and services. If you don't want to mess with your existing account, register for another one and play around. You don't really learn without investigation and experimentation.

Re: Re: Why dose bravenet let their members answer their questions?

I would add that Of the six forums three are there to swap information on non-Bravenet issues. Plus copy/paste is there becasue Bravenet will never know what obscure editors with special features people are likely to use to put services on their web sites.

That gets us down to two and as Martin rather more politely puts it, most posts there are from people who are just too lazy to use the Knowledge Base.

To Peter and Martin: Bravenets knowledge base does not anwer my Question?

I upgraded to pro, now I can't access my free website, I've tried using the website wizard, but it's not working. I've searched their TINY knowledge database, it has not nothing about this problem. But I guess this makes me stu-stu-stu-stu-pid and lazy. If you can find out how to resolve this problem in their database go for it. Searching google or other search engines would be idiotic and just plain stupid.

Believe it or not, some people actually make money off ebay and yahoo. Paypal is a great resource for collecting payments. If you would take the time to log in to ebay or paypals gigantic knowlegde base you would see what I am talking about, but I guess I your just too lazy. I pitty a person that has never used these companies on the internet. What exactly does this person use the internet for? Porno or What? Who knows?

I can only say. Get into the real world of internet. Buy something, move, or just get out of the way.

Re: Why dose bravenet let their members answer their questions?

I don't give a rats ass if people make money off of ebay and yahoo. All I did was ask a question in response to your question. And tried to explain my opinion of why the forums are run the way they are, and their knowledge base. I have been in the real world of the internet a lot longer than you can possibly imagine. Long before ebay or yahoo even existed, and I still have no use for either one of them. I have nothing against them, just no use for them. And if you don't know what other uses the internet has, I feel sorry for you. Maybe you should consult that "gigantic" knowledge base and find out.

Users often have trouble with their accounts when they upgrade to a pro account. What did Bravenet say about your problem when you opened a trouble ticket? You did open a ticket, didn't you? You are a bonafied paying customer and are entitled to top of the line service. Heck, they even answer my trouble tickets.

Re: Why dose bravenet let their members answer their questions?

To: Martin. Yes I have opened 3 tickets so far! But, unfortunately the 2 days it takes them to correct my problem. I will be losing money. Possibly if more members would complain about their F&Q Database. Maybe they would do something about it. I just wonder how many other members have lost money because of this problem. You stated yourself that members have problems when they upgrade to pro. Not one member has came up with the answer to this problem. If you say that other members have had this problem, then why doesn't bravenet do something about it. It sounds like you keep up with the members forum. I personally am a internet seller.

Re: Why dose bravenet let their members answer their questions?

Hullo u 2,
c how 1 simple ? can get out of hand.if it wasnt for the internet none of us oopss u 2 wud be here arguing...hehe
with a little time alot can be mastered IE bravenet

Re: Why dose bravenet let their members answer their questions?

To Martin:
I have been with many host's , and last year i would try out bravenet allso, cuz it sounds like a good offer. What they didn't tell me, was that their "knowledge base" was basicly first-timers answers for all who never seen , and used, a host before. They allso didnt tell me that the average time for replaying a ticket is 2-3 working days (working days, if i write one friday afternoon, i will be lucky to get a reply on wednesday).

To Phillip:
Are you making , how much money off that web-site??
I would say , if you are a paying customer at bravenet, you are probably in the red.
Why dont you instead of taking youre rage out of other ppl, try to create something yourself, cuz youre site really stinks.
Good luck!

Re: Why dose bravenet let their members answer their questions?

To: laokao:

Your right my website does "Stink" I totally agree. I am not a website designer, but a market research expert. I published this book myself and have had an excellent response over it. Whenever I first published this book, I had very little money. I could not afford the $Dollars$ that domain companies were charging. So I used the free bravenet site.

However, recently I came into some money and started paying search engine companies and advertisement agencies. (I did not understand bandwith storage space, so I did not upgrade). The sells have NOT been that great. There are over 12 million ads of companies trying to sell you a list of survey companies, but I have never found one that actually teaches you how to do market research surveys, so I decided to write a book about it.


I was the one that also posted the Question?

"Upgraded to pro, now I can not access my free website?"

So far I have posted 6 tickets and now bravenet CSR'S tell me they will have to speak to the program administrator to re-open this free website. I was right in the middle of editing this free website, whenever bravenet stopped this website and stated that I had allocated my bandwith for the day. "Please upgrade and you can expand your bandwith". I thought this was for the "FREE" website. But they told me I could NOT access my free website after I upgrade.

There website does not explain this, before I made payment. At the time I was experimenting with a new affiliate, but I was not sure if they advertise porno. I went back to delete this affiliate,( at the top of my website) and could not access my "FREE" website.

Personally, I believe that bravenet should read their customer complaints and expand their Q&A database, in return they probably would not have so many tickets submitted. Instead they rely on other members for answers.

Peter and Martin did not resond with helpful remarks, but what I thought was degrading and degenernate. I was very upset at the time and I do apologize for my outburst remark.

Sincerely, Phillip Chambley

If any members have had the same problem with free website upgrades, please email me or leave a reply.

Re: Why dose bravenet let their members answer their questions?

ALL serious webmasters allways take backup of their works.
If you dont know how to do it, read a quick tutorial about how to use ftp (file transfer protocol) programs, such as smartftp (free for personal use).

Then you would easily had all youre content on youre pc, ready to upload to youre new site.

Bravenet support aint that good, but they do get a lot hash comments from ppl that are totally ignorant when coming to how you should run a web-site.

Backup-backup and backup.....and just in more backup.

Re: Why dose bravenet let their members answer their questions?

TO: laokao: I like your website. What is your language?

Re: Why dose bravenet let their members answer their questions?

Bravenet's email to me recently was that they take NO RESPONSIBILITY for any postings, comments, responses or behavior within this forum. I guess it's open to drunks, druggies, pedophiles, convicts and wannabe's.

I'm not impressed.

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Replying to:

They should have a bigger database for questions and answers. Even ebay & paypal have a huge database for people that are not literate internet based.

Re: Re: Why dose bravenet let their members answer their questions?

They let thier members answer questions because thier small hosting company and have very limited features and nit the man power to handle all the members they do have. Im seriously discusted with bravenet hosting, you are seriously restricted in what u can do here. i have primium package and i cant do in here many things i was going on free hosting sites. i came on here cause they has mysql but it is usless since they dont allow any output from it and they wont offer any help with it they send you somewhere else for help. im canceling bravenet going to a more professionally run hosting site that has more options than a free site give you

Re: Why dose bravenet let their members answer their questions?

Larry - no forum owner can take responsibility for postings, the nature of the technology prevents it. The best they can do is delete unsuitable ones after the event.

If you come across an offensive or illegal posting you should raise a support ticket. Such posts are normally removed pdq.

Re: Why dose bravenet let their members answer their questions?

From what I've seen most companies' forums are set up like this....always with a disclaimer too lol

For instance, the ones I frequent for answers or to help if I can are..

Apple ipod
Internet Explorer/Windows

But I do agree companies should have good customer support of their products too..

And just think, all those 'bad people' that you mentioned, they not only probably answer questions, but ASK them both ways