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bandwidth question

OK, I'm using just the basic hosying.. I just have 6 pictures at a size of 1024 x 768 each.. I understand that's too big. After viewing the site 3 or 4 times, i get the messaage saying that my alloted bandwidth is used up for the day. I understand that. So My question is: If I go pay for premium for increased bandwidth, how many more viewings will be alloted per day? (Do I make any sense, here?)


Re: bandwidth question

actualy no.. sorry i havent the oddest clue what you babbling about... but think it like this free hosting gives you what? 50mb daily 1.5 gb bandwith monthly while premium gives you 3500mb daily and 100gb monthly which in turn gives you??? i bet you can figure out that on your own


Re: bandwidth question

If you fix the problem then you wont be wasting your bandwidth. With properly designed web pages the free hosting allows over 1000 page views per day.

Open your images in a graphics program, reduce the image sizes to no more than 600 pixels wide, then sabe them as JPEGs with compression set at about 70%. If this doesn't reduce the images to under 50k each then you haven't done it right.

If the images are that big then put them on separate pages. A page should be no more than 80k maximum including all images on the page. Some people even say that a 40k page it too big.

Re: bandwidth question

Ok, Stephen that was a helpful answer whereas DK_M was looking for a Kool-Aid refill.

This is just some pictures from my Dad's funeral service that I wanted the rest of the family accross the country to see:

and after 2 or 3 views, i'd get the "out of bandwidth" message.. I did drop the picture size to something or other, but your suggestion to create other pages sounds cool.. Thanks for your patience

Re: bandwidth question

ah yeah sure i was ... remember this. i will never help you again while.. i lacking in so much knwoledge i do know what im doing when its coming to streaming media and so forth .. but hey you have your buddy stephen im sure he can help you right stephen?


Re: bandwidth question

don't know if this is a help this is
what i did to get rid of my band width probs

first put the pics in your photo album then link the images to your album
then it takes bravenets band width not yours

only prob is the image can be no bigger than 150 kb
if you want to check out my site i have tons of pics

and no band width probs i normaly have at least 60 to 70 percent left over at the end of the day

the pic look the same but you don't have to pay in bandth width when the page is looked at

also you can put the album on your site with all the pics instead of just one or two

in fact now my site has five times as many pics and i use less band width than before

though the max number of pics for the free site is fifty though the number is much higher with pro or higher than that
in fact if you have pro you will most likely run out of pics before album space