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Password gate! I'M STUCK!

I reALLY WANT TO USE THE PASSWORD gate and it ain't happening how do i assign a new page so when members log in they will see the new page?
reply quikly.... i'm waiting!

Re: Password gate! I'M STUCK!

You define the "protected" page and the password to access that page within the Password Gate options in the Member's Area.

Re: Password gate! I'M STUCK!

Please be careful of passwords. Somebody accessed my ebay account and caused me a lot of problems. Nowdays, I use strictly nothing but serial numbers: letters, characters, numbers. Mostly numbers. Normally passwords can be numbers. I use 6. Thanks, Phillip Chambley

Password gate! I'M STUCK! again

I know that but what do you callthe page? Is it your page name .html or am I doing it wrong?