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Big problem with > POP UP's

I can't believe the number of pop-up's with this system. It has caused system malfunctions for my computer. Does anyone have any suggestions??

By the way.. I do have the PAID versions of both, HOSTING & MESSAGE FORUM


Re: Big problem with > POP UP's

Why are you looking at popups? All browsers now have a popup blocker which almost everyone has turned on so that they don't see popups.

Also if youi have pro hosting and message forum the popups wont be coming from there unless you added them to your page. Have you checked your computer for adware. Sounds like you probably have a dozen or so adware programs installed on your system. Use AdAware and/or Spybot Search & Destroy to find and remove them.

Re: Big problem with > POP UP's

The trouble with a post like this is that there is never a statement of where the pop-ups appear.

Are they when you access your site's url?
Are they when you go into your forum as a visitor?
Are they when you log in to your Bravenet account?
Are they when you access some other Bravenet service as a visitor?
Is it your own PC or one at a place of work, education or internet cafe?

If you are using your own PC then, as Stephen says, there is no reason to see pop-ups if you don't want to. Of course if you don't own the PC then you don't have that degree of control.

Re: Big problem with > POP UP's

The "STUFF" only pops'up when I log in to the Bravenet services, like now, and it continues all the while while I'm working on my site, or just here. There are ALL kinds of ads that pop-up in front of the page I'm working on, and some behind the page. Those that are behind the pages, I'll only see them when I close the page I'm working on, and when I'm leaving the Bravenet system. It ONLY happens when I'm using the Bravenet system!! I do have pop-up blockers, but they obviously aren't doing much good with the Bravenet system. And I am running WINDOWS XP PRO!

Re: Big problem with > POP UP's

I also use XP Pro. I mostly use Netscape 7.2 for my mail and browser work, which has a built in popup blocker. However, when I work with Bravenet, I use Internet Explorer 6.0... If you go to you will find a free popup blocker, that installs in Internet Explorer. When it's turned on, I never see any of Bravenet's popups. The only exception is when someone uses the Traffic Exchange service, but I throw that away instantly. When I'm dealing with my company web sites, I have to shut it off because it interfers with access.

Re: Big problem with > POP UP's

Download toolbars from either Yahoo!, MSN, or Google. They all have pop-up blockers, so that makes life easier for you.

Re: Big problem with > POP UP's

Your problem is that you may have accessed a website which contains adware. To ensure your security, please visit or Any questions still? Tell me...

Re: Big problem with > POP UP's

Also go to

Re: Big problem with > POP UP's

Thanks one and all for your help. There is hope!!

Re: Big problem with > POP UP's

Hi! I have the same problem from time to time. I use a CD recovery disk, that restores my computer back to it's original system. Usually about once a month. Kind of like getting your teeth cleaned. It gets rid of any viruses that have entered your system. It works great! You have a choice for partial deletion or complete recovery. WARNING: Do not use complete recovery. This will delete all of your files, this will take you hours to restore. I don't use pop-up blockers anymore because most of them have viruses that enter your computer. Ironically, these same companies that advertise no viruses are usually the ones that install the viruses. Phillip Chambley