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Search engine

How do i get my website to be able to be search on googles and yahoo and other search engine. If any one know please email me at thanks in advance.

Re: Search engine

it's not hard but it's also not free i don't cause right now i can't afford to
look at the bottom of the screen when you are editing your page there are links there one should be for that

Re: Search engine

Some of the search engine services cost money, but it doesn't cost anything to submit your site. For example, Add your URL to Google. The other search engines have similar entry methods. But none of those submissions, even the ones that cost money, guarantee you will show up any time soon. It can take weeks or months to start turning up on the search engines. Further, you need to be careful that you don't submit you site too often. To many submissions will cause you site to be classified as a spammer and ignored.

When the search spiders finally get around to indexing your site, you better be ready. You need to have content, content, and more content. Oh yea, did I mention that you need content.

You can also look at Bravenet's mini tools. They have a couple of tools that can help you with your search engine presence.