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hi there,

does anyone know how i make a sticky that holds a topic in a sertain place?

Re: sticky

huh what subject new subjects go to the top stiky messages are suppuose to stay at the top but don't always

Re: sticky

do you know how i create a sticky?

Re: sticky

huh not sure what the question was

Re: sticky

how do i get a post to stick at the top so that it wont move down?

Re: sticky

i have a forum i have tried to do it on mine and it really don't work sorry
bravenets forum is not the best in the way it works it is only ok it works but barely

Re: sticky

could you tell me how to do it anyway please

Re: sticky

okay once you click on post it should give two options
one to lock the post so no one can add to it
and the other makes it sticky so it stays at the top

though it may only be an option when you post from your service manager
thats how i did it look at my forum my sticky with the rules of my forum is stuck in the middle

Re: sticky

thanks mate!!

Re: sticky


With Bravenet's message forums you have two options with messages. You can "lock" a thread, which leaves it in place and prevents further posting to it. Or you can "sticky" a thread, which will automatically float it to the top. Both of these options are managed from your message forum service manager.

Log into Bravenet and navigate to your message forum service manager. Once there, click on the icon that says "delete messages". This sounds like an odd place to go but this is where you manage from. When the window comes up you should see a list of all your messages, with checkboxes on the left of each message.

If you were deleting messages, you could check the messages you want to delete and click the button at the bottom that says "delete selected entries". However if all you want to do is make a posting "sticky", click on the message. When the message opens there will be a link a the bottom that will allow you to "lock" or "sticky" the message.

Re: sticky

thanks for helping i understand now

Re: Re: sticky

I have tried and looked for a place to log in,i cant find it,i need to delete some nasty messages that someone left on my babies site,please help me.