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RE: A message I recieved from; Joycelyn, > "ABUSE REP." < at Bravenet support services... EVERYON

I have been having serious difficulties with the Bravenet upgrade hosting package. When I looked for help "where help should be found (support tickets)", I was offered wrong info. as how to proceed to correct the problems.

Under the circumstances, I had NO CHOICE but to contact them again, so as to get things corrected, up and running: THAT IS WHAT WE PAY FOR, RIGHT??? I don't think that anyone in their right mind is going to be paying for something they didn't get!!

Anyway, I recieved a message from; Jocelyn- "ABUSE REPRESENTATIVE" with Bravenet Ticket Services, telling me that my last ticket had been CANCELLED, as too many tickets can lead to confussion rather than help. Well, hello Bravenet "help and support team",if the help rendered had been any good, there would not have been a need on my part to contact them again!! If they want to charge me for what they perceive as extra help given me, that's fine by me! As long as it's an honest fee, I don't mind! But, how dare they give me the wrong info, time after time, and then turn around and have the audacity to have their "ABUSE REP." contact me to tell me this crap??

I don't think I can get a refund for my service, but I will not renew! I'm glad I only took a one year term!! I've never, ever seen such poor customer service..ANYWHERE!!