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Don't they want my business?

This is pretty silly. I really want to purchase an upgraded hosting and domain package, but so far Ive been refused because I can't even get past first base in the setup registry.

I've tried registering a domain name possible but get the same answer every time. The name I want is not available.

Well, I've been quite creative, I assure you, but no matter what combination of words I put together, (and some are so bizarre that they might as well be classified as jabberwocky), I keep getting told that the domain name is already in use.

Hm, don't they want my business? I don't think it's possible for all the combinations I've used, to be in use. Is anyone else having or has had this problem?

Re: Don't they want my business?

You would be amazed at some of the domain names that are registered. In fact "" is already registered. You may want to check your domain names with InterNIC, or any other whois data base, before you go through the registration process with Bravenet.

Re: Don't they want my business?

Thanks Martin, but I have even tried such bizarre names as mybluemuskratisdead and can't get a domain name registered. After a while I was just throwing stuff at the program.


I have tried every word combination in the book, even words that did not make sense. And yes, I believe jabberwoky is registered, it's a surprisingly well known name.

Nothing, I can register NOTHING. Nothing.

Re: Don't they want my business?

Hmmmmm You might sit a moment , have a cup of coffee unless you are like me and don't like coffee.
{see the lil icon I checked]
I want to suggest a couple ways that might help as i have had this same trouble at times in other web association. Do you have your 'cookies' enabled? In other words is the site REALLY acknowledging it is YOU who are trying to gain access?
Do you have a backup or error logger running on your PC? If you do go to the folder which keeps error logs and click on the corresponding date and time to which you just tried access and sustained the error.
Finally is it possible you perhaps just prior to trying to access {I mean in real close proximity time wise]either just started a NEW application or uninstalled one? I mean is it within your memory that immediately prior to your having the trouble that you are having, DID YOU install a new application or delete one? I ask because in BOTH of these scenarios your backbone files could have been altered or even deleted in some cases rendering some of the remaining applications inoperative. The cause for this of course is that some files are SHARED between applications and while installing or UNinstalling other programs the alteration can cause the problems you are having.

Browser: mooreorless65 Yahoo,4

Re: Re: Don't they want my business?

If you are located outside the USA then look for a name in your national register not just .com

Is your site really a commercial site or would a .org domain be suitable?

Re: Don't they want my business?

Believe it or not, it could have something to do with the WINDOWS you're running.

EXAMPLE: You will not be permited to register a Domain name form a computer running WINDOWS XP Home. You can only do it from WINDOWS XP PRO

Look in your own computer info. See what registrictions (if any) are there.

Good luck!

Re: Don't they want my business?

whoa whoa WHOAAAAAAAA........ Where did you get the idea that canNOT be accomplished from a computer running Windows XP HOME? It so happens that is what I am limited to and while my Windows XP maybe cheaper and somewhat inferior to XP-Pro in some applications I believe by my experience you are wrong in this instance.

Browser: mooreorless65 Yahoo,4

Re: Don't they want my business?

whoaaa excuse me Where did you arrive at the idea you can't handle that chore with a home version of XP? Thats all I can afford is home version and it worked for me 2 or 3 times without ANY problems

Browser: mooreorless65 Yahoo,4