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exceeding daily bandwidth

I have a question. I am running a free website through bravehost and am having some problems. I have exceeded my daily bandwidth a number of times now. The first time I can understand because I make alot of changes and kept uploading them each time (a mistake that I learned the hard way). Then after I got my page back the next day, I uploaded a small item, and it exceeded again. So I let the site be for a day and checked it the next day. The next day, it worked fine, and i had uploaded just a page that was mostly text. The page went down again saying that I had once more exceeded the daily bandwidth. So once again I let it sit. Today I check the site this morning and it worked, but by 11am, once again it said that I had exceeded the daily bandwidth, and I have not even uploaded anything to the site. I want to know if my bandwidth is exceeded only by the number of images/files featured on my site (which isn't much), the amount of files that I upload daily, or does traffic have a factor in it? It is getting rather annoying to have a website that only informs people that I have exceeded my bandwidth.

Browser: jikiboyo,2

Re: exceeding daily bandwidth

1. You are getting lots and lots of traffic
2. You are serving too many large image or media files to your visitors

Use hit counters to monitor page usage.
Check image sizes to ensure that you are not wasting bandwidth. Most images should be in the 30-60K range.
If you have background music, ditch it, it eats bandwidth.

Re: exceeding daily bandwidth

i agree with what has been said
if you want pics in you site put them in your photo album
then link the image to the album you still see the pics but it take bravenets band width not yours

when i added pics to my page i had the same problem it ate up my band width so much by noon i was out so

this solution work it worked for me and it can for you plus the photo album can be placed on your site and people can view it it's cool
if you want to see what it looks like go to my site