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FTP Server Issue...HELP

I had my site running fine and then upgraded to basic. That was running fine, no problems and then I upgraded to premium. Now I can't access my "file manager". I can understand if I had just signed up but the website was FULLY operational until i went from basic to premium. ???? why would i all of a sudden receive the error message

The Bravenet FTP server is not available at this time. Please try again later. (Authentication Failed for #...

keep in mind that again, the website was FULLY up and running without issue before the upgrade!


Re: FTP Server Issue...HELP

The message that you quote suggests that the server was temporarily unavailable. Nothing to do with your account.

Try again later. It should only be a cause for concern if it persists for more than an hour.

Re: FTP Server Issue...HELP

not only has it been more than an hour it's been over 24 now.

like i said. the strange thing is that it was up and running and IS STILL UP AND RUNNING. i just can't access my file manager without that error message. the actual website is still there independently as a url.