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Cannot Make Changes

For some reason, after making changes to my site with the text and visual editor, I click the SAVE CHANGES button and the page refreshes and the wha I had originally comes back up on the screen...

This happened to anyone else?

Browser: ,3

Re: Cannot Make Changes

I assume you are talking about the File Manager. When you save your file changes, you should get a window that asks "Are You Sure?". If you select OK, there should be a brief pause and another window should pop up that informs you that your changes have been saved. The screen should then go back to the same file you just edited and reflect the changes you made. Is this what you are seeing? Or did you expect something different?

Re: Cannot Make Changes

well if you have your site up at the same time as you are editing your page
and are going back and forth betewn the two to see the changes in real time
the site that you first opened up won't have the changes refresh the page to get the new content you added