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Color me stupid but...

How do I edit my page? I've just inherited it from our old club editor and she didn't tell me how to do anything... So I'm pretty stuck.

Re: Color me stupid but...

Go into HOSTING & DOMAINS and then click on FILE MANAGER and then you should have you HTM pages listed there....

There is a EDIT coloum on the list and a icon beside each page which if you click, will let you edit the html of the page (there is also a visual editor on this page too)

Hope tha helps

Re: Color me stupid but...

well to start off with great job asking for help before getting real annoyed

it is easier to think with a calm mind then once you are frustrated

there are two main ways there may be others but i might not know of

the first one is the web site wizard this is good for some one like you who is just starting out

also there is the file manager this is for the more advanced user

once you make changes to your site with it all you do is save and the change appears on your site

the wizard you have to republish for the changes to apear

good luck on the site and have fun kennigr

Re: Color me stupid but...


All of these suggestions are possible, but without an address (URL) to look at, it's all speculation. Give us an address to look at, and we may be able to tell you a little bit more about how to edit you inherited pages.

Re: Color me stupid but...

I got it now! Thanks time a kazillion!

Re: Color me stupid but...

no prob thats what were here for plus it more fun to make web sites than go to others at least for me