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Anyone having PHPBB - emailer.php or smtp.php error message when posting?

As title above......

I have even tried to install a fresh copy of phpbb but seems the problem lies with the host not able to send out mails via php.....

Have tried enabling the smtp server from phpbb but also faces another problem.

Sources from phpbb mentioned that seems to be the host problem as some of the bravenet users also faced same problem.

Anyone have same problem?
Thanks so much

Re: Anyone having PHPBB - emailer.php or smtp.php error message when posting?

Why dont you use free phpbbforum hosting with no downloads!

Browser: joezdatopman,2

Re: Anyone having PHPBB - emailer.php or smtp.php error message when posting?

When you enabled the smtp server for email, did you set the server address to localhost? I found that worked for me.

Re: Anyone having PHPBB - emailer.php or smtp.php error message when posting?

Here it is! I just installed on my site and I am having the Error when I asked PhpBB for support they said:
The mailer error is common enough and means that your host has not set up PHP to allow the PHP Mail function for your account (or perhaps any account).

You will need to add details for smtp mail and input the details for a valid smtp mail account..

So....hopefully this is a problem I will be able to Fix!
