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I am a newbie who needs help getting starrted

I purchased a domain name and a hosting package. I was/am under the impression that I could copy and paste content to my web page/site. Can this be done and how.

Thank you


Re: I am a newbie who needs help getting starrted

huh what do you mean copy and paste from this site
or from other sites
copy and pasting from this site is easy if thats what you mean
just go to what you want to cp click high light and copy
then go to your file manager and paste on the page you wish
if you can not rember wich page you want it on or want it on many pages
you can open the page to view it before pasting to be sure it is the right page
once you have selected some thing to paste it stays selected till you choose some thing else
not sure about things from other sites though id make sure i had permission from the people who made the tool

Re: I am a newbie who needs help getting starrted

oh yeah one other thing if you go into the web site wizard you can add links to services like your forum or e cards live chat and more
but not all thing like mini poll and today in history are a little diffrent
if you go in to file manager and click on embed tool you can add them there
but i have had problems doing it that way like some times code does not copy right
some times it work some times it wont it is annoying some times but web site making is fun for me

Re: I am a newbie who needs help getting starrted

Thank you very much for your answers. I spent more time on the site and figured it out. It is not clear cut. It was very easy once I knew where to go.


Re: I am a newbie who needs help getting starrted


In your Account Manager you have the availability of several editors. Under "manage hosting" is access to the File Manager and the Website Wizards, for editing/creating and the FTP Applet for uploading/downloading.

The Website Wizards are beginner tools intended for web developers who don't know, or don't want to know, anything about HTML and CSS. There is nothing wrong with that, but if you use it you have to deal with the restrictions of the tools. And there are many.

If you do know something about HTML and CSS, or want to use a template, stay away from the Website Wizards and use the Visual and Text editors in the File Manager. The Website Wizard is not compatible with the File Manager and can overwrite any changes made in the File Manager's editors. Depending on what you are putting on your site, you can easily copy/paste content to your pages. If you are using images of any kind you will need to upload them first and the use a tag. The same is true with the Website Wizards.

If you have your pages designed on your local machine and just want to upload them, you can use the FTP Applet, or just about any other FTP program you might have.

kendrich gelpi,

You mentioned having problems with the minipoll and a few other services. This sounds like you are trying to mix the File Manager and the Website Wizard. They are not compatible and should not be used together. Even though you can see your Website Wizard files with the File Manager, you can not upload changes to the Website Wizard. If you are using the Website Wizard, stay away from the File Manager, and visa versa.

Some of Bravenet's services are easily added from the Website Wizard using the "add services" link. But some of them are Javascript links, like the minipoll and today in history. The cut and paste code can easily be inserted in you content areas from the Website Wizard. All you have to do is navigate to your content area editor, switch to the "code editor", find you place in the code, and insert the copy/paste code. It works fine and you will not have to insert it over and over again.

The problem you might be experiencing is that, you can not see the code from the Visual editor. The Visual editor does not process Javascript, so you may see nothing at all. However, if you save your changes and do a preview of your site, you will see it. When you insert any of the Javascrip services, it is sometimes good to insert a small graphic on either side of it to remind yourself that it is there and don't accidentially overwrite it at a later date.

Re: I am a newbie who needs help getting starrted

i had problems with it at first to it was soo cool when i first did it w/o messing it up

Re: I am a newbie who needs help getting starrted

well the mini poll is up and working ok now most of my problems were more in the begining
though i have had some problems trying to poision the poll exactly where i want it