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everyone should ask for a refund....

If the people who own this site only care about taking everyones money...instead of helping thier customers out with some real live teck help...maybe we should all ask for a refund. There are other sites with 1-800- numbers that would kill for the business...beguining to wish i had found them before these guys. :(

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

well I like this site - its easier than freewebs and angelfire, and I should know cuz I've been to both. We have lots of custom services, and the other members help us out. I've gotten my site up in less than 3 hours, where it took me on angelfire about 2-3 MONTHS and on freewebs about a month.

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

so what you are saying is that it is ok for them to take money off your credit card for a service and then not provide that service? My customers would be prety pee'd if i did that to them. Oh yeah...add to are not providing the service...why should it be up to you to help me? Sad business practice.....

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

I agree with you about asking for a refund. I have an account with Homestead and they are terrific. The only reason I am trying Bravenet is the price is about half of what the Homestead is. Now I understand why they are inexpensive, they do nothing to earn the money we paid. I am about to void my contract with Bravenet and get my money back.
Credit card companies understand the reason we want to cancel the purchase. Good Luck People

Troll Alert

This has been posted as a hosting problem. The OP then gives a url which is only available with the free service. Refund?

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

Had a web page under the basic free service and then upgraded as i did not have enough band width. Also wanted a better web page in general by upgrading to the best i cannot access the free web page let alone the upgraded access billed to my credit card. I don't think i
d be looking for a refund for a free service...........

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

hey i was just wondering the way your site was looking cameron and you saying you needed more bandwith... what for beer commercials? lol

Bravenet i love you you maked my dream come true im building a very fine looking website with minder faults but anyways i would like too thank Brandon and Daniel on every support ticket they been with me and helped me through with my own domain thats up and running...

have a pleasent life!


Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

Cameron, complaining about people who are just trying to make a decent living and provide people with their own website is really, REALLY sad! You are so pethetic, if you don't like bravenet, why do you even still have an account on it. Really, common sense, try using it sometime.

Browser: emma_watson1341,4

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

Cameron, I just looked at your website and really, why would you make a whole site about miniature beer bottle collecting?!!? I agree with DM_K you probably did just want more bandwith for beer commercials. "And the award for most pethetic site in the world goes to.... CAMERON!" So why don't you just go and get another hangover instead of crowding up the bravenet boards, your life is probably nothing but a bunch of drinking! Quit your mom and get a life.

Browser: emma_watson1341,4

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

i like this site please lets keep this as friendly as possible ok
maybe he has had a harder time with cs
then the rest of us but
i see you point ask for a refund if they wont fix the problem then leave
but dont whine i learned years ago if some one wont do what they are supposed to do
whining only takes enegry and waste time id rather take the time to find answers than argue with some one over problems hope the situation improves and you issue get resolved w/o any more hard feelings

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

I don't know what happened to you, Cameron, but I am beginning to agree with you. I started to make a website, a free one, and had to stop in the middle. Now I have a half finished website and can't get back in to finish it. The message says I have my cookies blocked and I have to enable my cookies to get back into it. ONly problems is, I don't HAVE my cookies blocked!!!

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

If you scroll up to my own posted message for help, you'll see where I'm at. It has been a nightmare!!

Bravenet needs to have a 1-800 LIVE help line--not the ticket stuff!! It's going to cost money? Of course, so get the USERS (people like me) to pay for it--per use. I wouldn't mind at all!!

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

I am sorry for being rude to Cameron, because she can decide not to like bravenet if she wants to but that doesn't give her a right to complain to everyone about it.

PS: Site owner, I like your website.

Browser: emma_watson1341,4

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

hey no sweat we all have days where we might snap and say more than we should
heck if no one was ever a little rude we would'nt have the word rude
maybe the issue will generate some good improvements to cs no matter how good a system is it can always improve

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....


fancy a argument?



Browser: joezdatopman,2

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

Hey can someone help me

Browser: trixiesgurl05,2

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

ne 1 there

Browser: trixiesgurl05,2

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

ten year old web master
does your font have to be so huge you have to scroll around to read it
it is so rude to put font like that in a post
it does not help to use it makes it hard to read
use small text please these eye's are not as young as they once were my eye's are bad
if posting in all caps is considered yelling than what you did was like yelling in to a megaphone that was in front of a micro phone

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....


This is "site owner".

Thank you for your compliment on my site. Unfortunately, all you could view was just the
message/prayer forum itself. The main page is
gone. I am working on having things restored.

Please feel free to visit when ever you like.
You "and everyone else", are most welcome.

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

if this site owner, just admit free site doen't work. why, try to rip people off. we work hard for our money like you do. if free is limited, but works, so be it. then we decide to spend. your site just forces the issue.

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

Does anyone know what's going on with bravenet, here? My site has been down for over two weeks. I haven't been able to access any of my emails and this is my business account. They said they granted my refund, but I haven't seen the money in my account, yet, and they apparently have a hold on my domain so that I can't take my business elsewhere. Ironically, I can't get anyone to respond to my tickets now. This is absolutely ridiculous. Just wondering if anyone else is having problems with them. Is there another way to reach a representative? I am losing my mind along with all my business.

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

i like this site i find it a nice easy to use service
the only gripe i have is a few issues with the forum
but this is one of the best places to make a free site i have found
thanks for hosting my site if it wernt for the copy paste and publish wizard my site would not exist

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

1: I don't know why all you ridicolous ppl wich have a free account is posting in this thread? How much refund did you actually have in mind when discussing this topic?

2: This topic is for those who have a PAID! basic or premium site.

3: I will NOT put my opinion out here on the board, and i am friggin' fed up of all those who have to push the reply button just because they don't know how to use any other buttons.
If you NOT HAVE AN PAID ACCOUNT , you not have to reply in this topic.
Is it so darn hard to understand?????

Re: your a stupid ten your old!

Stupid ten-year old! look i'm ten too and their is no need to put the font so big that you have to scroll down to read it. Loser!

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

Come on tom the free option is to hook you in and teach the basics

This is i buisness and it cost money to make service
like this

Heck this kind of service is the only way most people could have a web site

If you dont like the free service upgrade I will soon
I think it is so worth it

I really am great full i can have so many tool for web site making

Thanks again bravenet kennigr

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

LOL! Can I get the 10 year old kid to figure this out for me! LOL I love the Bravenet message board. It's not that hard to work with, once it's up and running.

Lori Leigh

Browser: Lori

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

I am 11 I turned 11 on May 5th. I agree that your font is rude and annoying, It's called SPAM, and it is not appreciated. (I'm supposed to be in 5th but I get to be in 6th, and I am advanced even past the other 6th graders.)

Browser: emma_watson1341,4

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....

SPAM stands for Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages. And putting words in huge font like that goes into the "Annoying" part of SPAM.

Browser: emma_watson1341,4

Re: everyone should ask for a refund....


First of all Bravenet takes no professional responsibility concerning this Forum. I've had the displeasure of running into one obnoxious individual that hasn't removed his fictitious silver spoon from his mouth. So, I have no interest in paying hard earned money to a company that hides behind its computer screen. I'm browsing the forum tonight to see what degenerative comments have been left since I last posted. Atmosphere hasn't changed.

My experience the past three years is to do business with as my web host. A VERY professional group compared to Bravenet. You're more than welcome to contact me or visit my website at

Good Luck! You need it staying here.