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i can't create pages!

Every time I try to create a new page, a little window pops up that says "I cannot create files with the extension '____________'. I want to make a calendar, but it won't let me! What am I doing wrong?

Re: i can't create pages!

What extension are you trying to use?

Re: i can't create pages!

erm i don't know what an extension is but this is what I did: i went to the file manager and click on my domain folder thingy. i have 2 folders, one called bravenet auto added, where I want to put the files that bravenet added (page not found, forbidden, etc). I don't know how to move the files into the bravenet auto added folder, either. so where it says "new file" I put "calendar" or "homepage" or something simple like that. then i'll click "go" and then the page loads and a little popup says "I cannot create files with the extension 'calendar'!" I haven't put and / or - or anything like that. what am i doing wrong? I need 2 get this site up!

Re: i can't create pages!

Sandy an extension is whats added to a file name. for example lets say your calendar if its a document file it would be called. calendar.doc if its a program file it would be either a calendar.exe or a if its a web page it would be calendar.html. It all depends on what the file is and what program created it, without the extension you computer does not know what to do with the file


Re: i can't create pages!

Thank you so much!