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Password Gate

What is Password Gate?
And Can you login to be an Admin?


Re: Password Gate

The password gate is a password protected link between two web pages. Anyone who doesn't know the password can't follow the link.

When you sign up for a bravenet account and get various services you are the Admin for those services. You get your admin access via the members area.

Re: Password Gate

I don't get the first bit what does that mean?


Re: Re: Password Gate

If you have two web pages page1.htm and page2.htm and you want to put a link on page1.htm to link to page2.htm and you only want those who know a password to be able to follow the link then you add the password gate to page1.htm and configure it with the desired password and specify page2.htm as the destination.

If someone enters the correct password on page1.htm then they will be taken to page2.htm just as if thery clicked on a link. If anyone enters the wrong password they will not get to page2.htm using the password gate.

Re: Password Gate

But how do you link the pages?
so when people enter the password and username they get taken to the site?